Monday, April 22, 2013

Ch. 16 Promotional Planning for Competitive Advantage

Burt's Bees most recent 'Güd' line focused on a newer niche of products, those heavily influenced by scent. As a change from what I have become used to in a Burt's Bees product it in interesting to see the brand position there focus slightly elsewhere to adhere to a new and younger target market. Burt's Bees wanted to target this consumer, women between the ages of 18 and 24 who are interested in products that are trendier, and have more mass appeal, than a beeswax lip balm. Lately it has been good to see through this process and others how many companies are using social media to boost sales promotion and create advantages for products.

An example is the Burt's Bees Güd line, whose FaceBook page had over 170,000 likes before its official launch, in conjunction and at the same time scratch and sniff ads for scented lotions and creams were launched in Allure and Lucky magazines. The use of street teams at nationwide universities also helped to bring exposure to the brands new line. The photos above show the unusual ads by Baldwin& that Burt's Bees used to promote its new fragrance focused line.

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